

We are the Mount Pico Hub! We intend to connect the network of its Certified Guides by organizing climbs to the Mount Pico. We intend to be a channel for promoting, valuing and preserving Mount Pico, following an ethical and responsible conduct.

Our mission is to promote and enable a fair activity and exploration of and in the Mountain, in a sustainable way, allowing us to respond to all customers who seek to climb Mount Pico accompanied by a Certified Guide.

Our vision is to develop and try to instil a spirit of cooperation among all elements of this group of Certified Mount Pico Guides, respecting all who are part of it, whether companies or freelance guides.


Technical knowledge of terrain and weather conditions


Experience accompanied by local guides


Potential benefits that the Mountain offers to the local economy


Responsible practice that safeguards medium and long term sustainable exploitation

visitors' gallery

Cláudia Santos

Andreia Azevedo

Andreia Azevedo

Andreia Azevedo

Ana Goulart @acgoulart

Pedro Pacheco